Getting started- Creating Custom Higher-Order Functions

Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash

Getting started- Creating Custom Higher-Order Functions

Array Methods

JavaScript provides several higher-order functions as part of the built-in Array object. These functions help you manipulate and transform arrays in a functional and declarative manner. Some common array methods include map, filter, reduce, forEach, and find.

Start creating our own

You can create your own higher-order functions by accepting other functions as arguments or returning functions as results. Let's see a couple of examples.

const add = (x, y) => {
return x + y;

const multiply = (x, y) => {
return x * y;

const applyOperation = (operation, x, y)=> {
return operation(x, y);

console.log(applyOperation(add, 2, 7)); // output: 9
console.log(applyOperation(multiply(10, 10)); // output: 100

How its working? Explain

In above example, we have created a custom higher-order function called applyOperation that takes a function and two numbers as arguments and applies the function to the numbers: