Complete YAML Tutorial | What is YAML ? YAML tutorial | Benefit to use YAML in 2022

What is YAML ? | YAML tutorial | Benefit to use YAML | YAML in 2022

1. What is YAML ?

  • The full form of YAML is Yet another markup language or YAML ain't markup language.

  • It is not a Programming language.

  • It use to data format exchange data similar to XML and JSON.

  • In YAML, you can store only data rather than commands.

2. Data Serialisation Language.


  • Object to file-> Serialisation.

  • File to object-> Deserialisation.

3. Where is uses of YAML?

  • Configration file-> Docker/Kubernetes, logs, cache etc

4. Benefit of YAML.

  • Simple and easy to read

  • It has a nice syntax (Indentation is Important in YAML)

  • Easily convertible to JSON, XML

  • More powerful when representing complex data

  • things to remember while writing YAML

  • YAML is a case-sensitive language, if we create a list or other things we stored data like this "apple" and "Apple" they both have different means in YAML.

- apple
- mango
- banana
- Apple
  • For comments in YAML, we use # like as follows
#this is comment

5. Start here:

  • Open you code editor whatever you like and create a YAML file with extension like .yaml or .yml both works fine. I like .yaml

6. List or Array represent in YAML.

- apple
- mango
- banana
- Apple
  • So given above example contains list of fruits and you can create list like this in YAML.

  • (---) is use for separate the documents and (...) is use for end of document.

7. Datatype in YAML.

  • string variable.
myself: Shivam Sharma
fruits:  apple
Job: Swe
bio: Hey, I am Shivam
  • So in above example we have seen that how we can store string in YAML. Our next is numbers, How we can store number in YAML?

  • Numbers variable.

number: 5651334
marks: 70.8
boolean: false
  • In the YAML we can also specify the type of data, like int, float, boolean and so many others also.

  • Let's suppose we want to store 0 and some other numbers, so here we will be looking at some of the examples as follows.

8. Specify the types of data.

  • So this is, that how we can specify the datatype in YAML and while reading this topic be attentive.
zero: !!int 0
possitivenumber: !!int 50
negativenumber: !!int -50
  • So you can store numbers as per your requirement like the above example, now we are going to see floating point numbers.
marks: !!float 70.46
rates: !!float 5.2
CGPA: !!float 8.34
  • So, now we are going to see how we can store string in YAML.
messege: !!str I am Shivam and i love to write codes
Quotes: !!str Die with memories not the dreams
  • How we can store null in YAML? Let's look at this.
surname: !! null null

9. Date and Time in YAML.

 date (00:00:00Z): 20021-4-25
startTime: 2022-4-08T00:00:00

10. Advance data Type in YAML.

  • We have already familiar about list, if you don't know so first read point 6 then come here.

  • Let's suppose we want to store a sequence list of student data as following.

student: !!seq
- marks
- name
- roll_no
  • It can be written the same as follows. Both work fine.
student: !!seq [marks, name, roll_no]
  • Empty sparse sequence. mean when you don't want to add data or value to something. you can see the following YAML code.
sparse seq:
- hey
- how
- null
- sup
  • Nested sequence example.
- ~
- mango
- banana
- apple
- ~
- marks
- roll_no

11. Pair key may have duplicate values.

pair example: !!pairs
- job:Student
- job:teacher
- job:YouTube
  • We can also write same as following.
pair example: !!pairs [job: Student, job:teacher, job:YouTuber]

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